A Trader's Education
A Trader's Education Podcast
Wealth Building Habits - Eliminating Debt and Growing Your Net Worth

Wealth Building Habits - Eliminating Debt and Growing Your Net Worth

Part 2 of 3 in the Wealth Building Series on Twitter Spaces

In this episode I had a great conversation with David and John, the Debt Free Guys about the mindset and steps to take to eliminating debt, forming the right habits, and having the right mindset for building wealth.

We discussed their “Debt Lasso Method” and dove into multiple challenges we all face and how to overcome them to eliminate debt and get on the right path.

Follow David and John on Twitter for great content and tons of value: @DebtFreeGuys

I also highly recommend checking out their website Social - DFG Twitter (debtfreeguys.com)


A Trader's Education
A Trader's Education Podcast
Conversations about building wealth with a focus on trading stocks and options. Plus, weekly chart reviews where we analyze market performance and charts for a variety of stocks and ETFs every Sunday.