A Trader's Education
A Trader's Education Podcast
Long Laziness and 10,000 NFLX Shares

Long Laziness and 10,000 NFLX Shares

The panel is never boring and this session was no exception.

We get into an interesting discussion about Zoom stock, look at ways to utilize options in a market making new highs, and something about a WALL-E investing strategy.

We get into tickers you know as well as ones you may not, like NOA.

Great insights and conversation every time.

We appreciate you tuning in!

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Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 8pm ET I host an hour-long Spaces with an amazing panel of knowledgeable, experienced, and diverse speakers.

Follow me @tradernatehere to catch them live!


This service is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting or investment advice. These are opinions and observations only. I am not a financial advisor.

A Trader's Education
A Trader's Education Podcast
Conversations about building wealth with a focus on trading stocks and options. Plus, weekly chart reviews where we analyze market performance and charts for a variety of stocks and ETFs every Sunday.